Monthly Archives: May 2019


When it comes to addiction, it is a common severe problem among attorneys. A good number of attorneys are battling various forms of addiction, without the knowledge of the public. As you would expect, it would not be advisable for attorneys to make known to the public, that they are addicted, because of their professional status. Hence, a good number of them have resorted to other ways of managing their addiction.

Drugs and alcohol addiction, are the commonest type of addictions which attorneys face, and the reason for this is not far-fetched. Attorneys go through a lot of stress which comes with their work, and they hardly have any time to rest. There are times when they would spend long nights, making enquiries into difficult cases. Sometimes, having to handle a case could take up to several weeks, and they would arrive at nothing.

This stress-filled life has made some attorneys to use either drugs or alcohol to keep them mentally balanced, and free from stress. However, taking these substances comes with a lot of demerits.

First and foremost, drugs and alcohol addiction affects their sense of reasoning and judgement. Attorneys who are hooked on substance abuse, would find out along the line that, their sense of reasoning has been affected, and they would be most times partial in the assessment and evaluation of any case, and when this continues to happen in the long run, it implies that they would lose more cases, thereby having a dent on their legal career.

In addition to this, substance abuse in the long run has an adverse effect on their health. Attorneys in this case, would fall ill more often, and they would discover that the “high-effect” which the drugs and alcohol gives, is short-lived. Hence, they would find themselves battling stress, anxiety and depression more frequent than usual.

Addicted attorneys are advised to promptly seek help, so that they do not end up ruining their legal career. Knowing fully well that they cannot use conventional addiction treatment centre, they are advised to try out the executive option.